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Undergraduate Student Recruitment

​  Every year, at most ten undergraduate student positions will be opened for undergraduate students in their first/second/third /fourth year. Anyone who has interest in doing remarkable research in Artificial Intelligence is welcomed to our group. In particular, students who aim to be graduate students for further study in AI are preferred (students who aim to be graduate students in NUIST are particularly and particularly preferred). Please be free to contact me via Then, we will have a short interview with each other to check whether you are suitable for our research group or whether our group is suitable for you.

  • Vision

   All undergraduate students entering our group will be oriented to doing outstanding and remarkable academic research in AI so that their comprehensive ability in self-learning, writing, presentation, and programming can be well improved. Each enrolled student will be trained by myself via hand-by-hand teaching and face-to-face discussion. Every student is asked to present their work via PPT in each discussion held every week. After a long time of training, we expect each student could preserve the basic ability in academic research and could solve a novel AI problem by himself/herself. As for the outcome, it is expected that all students can publish at least one SCI paper or at least one conference paper during their study in our group.  

  • Requirement​

   Since doing academic research is not so easy, each student who wants to enter our group is expected to have the following character and preliminary abilities, which are sorted according to the importance:

  1. Great passion and interest in Academic Research on Artificial Intelligence (※※※※※)

  2. Diligent, Hard-working, Optimistic, and Strong Perseverance (※※※※※)

  3. Good English Reading and Writing Skills (Students passing CET-6 are especially welcomed.) (※※※※)

  4. Good programming ability in C/C++/Matlab/Python (※※※※)

  5. Some preliminary knowledge in Artificial Intelligence including (※※※)

    1. Good background in mathematics, such as Linear Algebra,  ​Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, .etc

    2. Ones with preliminary knowledge about Machine Learning, Clustering, Deep Learning, .etc, are preferred.

  • Rules

   Every student in our group must obey the following rules so that a good habit could be formed, which is very vital for excellent academic research:

  1. Each student is expected to stay at the lab to do his/her research. This is to ensure that enough time and focused attention could be afforded for trial-and-error in research since 100 failures may make only 1 success in research. In the lab, no game and no films/videos are allowed. 

  2. To track the progress of each student, I will organize one discussion every week for each student. Therefore, each student should complete the allocated task in one week (I will assign the task according to the ability of each student).

  All my expectation is that we can make progress together, obtain remarkable achievements and enjoy doing research during the cooperations.

  • Achievements

  1. 2020级本科生吉文轩、陈建庚、张振伟、王田田分别保研至中国科学院大学、东南大学、天津大学、华东师范大学深造;

  2. 2020级本科生王田田同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊Mathematics接收;

  3. 2020级本科生吉文轩同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊IEEE Access接收;

  4. 2020级本科生张振伟同学授权发明专利1项;

  5. 2019级本科生华立涛同学获南京信息工程大学2023届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文一等奖;

  6. 2019级本科生郭旭同学获南京信息工程大学2023届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文一等奖;

  7. 2019级本科生张凯旋同学获南京信息工程大学2023届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文一等奖;

  8. 2019级本科生景宇飞同学获南京信息工程大学2023届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文三等奖;

  9. 2019级本科生朱远鹏同学获南京信息工程大学2023届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文三等奖;

  10. 2019级本科生张凯旋同学被保送至南京理工大学深造;

  11. 2019级本科生卞雨玮同学被保送至南京理工大学深造;

  12. 2019级本科生朱远鹏同学被保送至西安电子科技大学深造;

  13. 2019级本科生朱远鹏同学的会议论文被计算智能领域旗舰会议IEEE SMC Conference接收;

  14. 2018级本科生窦馨艾同学获2022届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文三等奖;

  15. 2017​级本科生闫嘉琪同学的期刊论文被中科院一区期刊Information Sciences接收;

  16. 2020级本科生王田田同学获批2022年江苏省大学生创新创业训练计划一般项目;

  17. 2020级本科生吴远慧同学获批2022年江苏省大学生创新创业训练计划一般项目;

  18. 2019级本科生景宇飞同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊Mathematics接收;

  19. 2019级本科生朱远鹏同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊Mathematics接收;

  20. 2019级本科生郭旭同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊Mathematics接收;

  21. 2019级本科生卞雨玮同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊Mathematics接收;

  22. 2019级本科生张凯旋同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊Mathematics接收;

  23. 2019级本科生华立涛同学的期刊论文被JCR一区期刊Mathematics接收;

  24. 2019级本科生郭旭获2021年度校长奖学金;

  25. 2019级本科生郭旭、朱远鹏、蔡婷婷获得第14届中国大学生计算机设计大赛人工智能应用(百度杯)—人工智能挑战赛(智慧物流赛道)国家二等奖;

  26. 2019级本科生华立涛、卞雨玮、秦浪获得第14届中国大学生计算机设计大赛人工智能应用(百度杯)—人工智能挑战赛(无人驾驶赛道)国家三等奖;

  27. 2018级本科生袁哲同学被保送至北京邮电大学深造

  28. 2017​级本科生闫嘉琪同学获2021届本科毕业生优秀毕业论文二等奖;

  29. 2017​级本科生闫嘉琪同学获批2021年度江苏省普通高校省级优秀毕业生;

  30. 2018级本科生祝睿同学、2019级本科生郭旭同学获批校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目;

  31. 2017​级本科生闫嘉琪同学被保送至浙江大学深造;

  32. 2017​级本科生闫嘉琪同学作为南京信息工程大学唯一一位本科生入围“江苏励志成才之星提名奖”;

  33. 2017​级本科生闫嘉琪同学获批2021年度南京信息工程大学“优秀本科毕业设计(论文)支持计划”项目;

Last modified April, 2022.

© 2022 by Qiang Yang

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